Wednesday, January 12, 2011


                    Today was one of those days when nothing much was happening. It
                    snowed 3 inches last night and started raining late this morning which
                    continued on and off most of the day.  It was a  drippy, gray day. Most
                    of my back yard buddies chose to forage closer to their own neighbor-
                    hoods today so I didn't get many photos but this  Song Sparrow did
                    strike a pretty pose for me so I had to take his picture.
Song Sparrow  ~  1-12-11  ~  [P1123038]

                      It was so cloudy tonight that I couldn't get a very good view of the
                      moon, this is the best shot out  of many.
Moon, First Quarter  / 50% of  Full ~  1-12-11  @  5:20p   ~  [P1123050]

1 comment:

  1. The photo of the bird looks like a postcard. Beautiful!
